The species of Parmotrema with salazinic acid were revised, based on the types of the accepted names, as well as their synonyms. Descriptions for 66 species are given and the synonymy, chemistry, distribution and taxonomic affinities of each species discussed. Three new species are described: Parmotrema austromaculatum sp. nov., P. bifidum sp. nov. and P. clercianum sp. nov. One new combination in Parmelinella is made, P. afrocetrata comb. nov., as well as 13 new combinations in Parmotrema: P. acanthifolium comb. nov., P. concors comb. nov., P. foliolosum comb. nov., P. granulare comb. nov., P. lividotessellatum comb. nov., P. magnum comb. nov., P. maximum comb. nov., P. nudum comb. nov., P. petropoliense comb. nov., P. radiatum comb. nov., P. reterimulosum comb. nov., P. sieberi comb. nov. and P. warmingii comb. nov. One new name, Parmotrema elixii nom. nov. is proposed for Rimelia pustulata. Two lectotypifications are made: Parmotrema erubescens and P. ruminatum. Twelve taxa remain without definite status and are included in the nomina inquirenda.
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