Guidelines for authors


Plant and Fungal Systematics is an international scientific journal of the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences that publishes original research papers, larger monographs, review articles on timely subjects, short communications, and book reviews. The journal articles address the biodiversity, taxonomy, molecular systematics and evolution of algae (broadly defined), cyanobacteria, bryophytes, vascular plants, fungi, oomycetes and myxomycetes.

Submitted manuscripts must be original (not published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere) and written in English. The journal is committed to review and publish accepted manuscripts swiftly. Manuscripts will be critically reviewed by at least two referees. The corresponding author will be notified about the manuscript’s progress through the editorial process and will be able to track it by logging on to the journal website. All accepted manuscripts will be line-edited before publication. Plant and Fungal Systematics imposes no page charges or open access charges.

Submission of manuscripts

Submit your manuscript to Plant and Fungal Systematics through the Editorial System website following the on-screen instructions. For more information regarding submission of manuscript or for technical assistance, contact the Managing Editor (

Manuscript preparation

The written part of the manuscript should be submitted as a single Word file (.docx or .doc). Give the authors’ names and postal addresses in full, along with e-mail addresses. Indicate the corresponding author. The title should be concise and should reflect the content of the paper. The abstract should not exceed 500 words, must not cite references, and must be limited to the essential background, questions addressed, approach, results, discussion and conclusions. Provide a maximum of eight significant single or composite key words (not included in the title) suitable for indexing purposes.

The main text should be composed of the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Taxonomy (if applicable), Discussion, Conclusion (optional), Acknowledgements, References, and figure and/or table captions. Submit the figures and tables as separate files. The text should be formatted as a standard manuscript, left-aligned, single-column, double-spaced, with 2.5 cm margins, and with the simplest possible layout. To help reviewers refer to specific parts of the manuscript, each page should be numbered and each line should be continuously numbered. For style and format see recent volumes of Plant and Fungal Systematics. Italicize all Latin names of taxa (including above genus level). Headings should not be numbered. Cite all tables and illustrations in numerical sequence within the text. Make sure that all cited papers appear in the references (and vice versa), and list the references alphabetically. Give journal names in full, and give the titles of cited papers and books in the original language. If the article/book has a DOI number it should be included.

Below are some examples of standard text formatting:


Boidin, J. 1971. Nuclear behavior in the mycelium and the evolution of the basidiomycetes. In: Petersen, R. H. (ed.), Evolution in the higher Basidiomycetes, pp. 129–148. The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville.

Damsholt, K. 2002. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Liverworts and Hornworts. Nordic Bryological Society, Lund.

Flakus, A. & Kukwa, M. 2014. The first squamulose Thelocarpon species (Thelocarpaceae, Ascomycota) discovered in the biological soil crusts in the Bolivian Andes. Phytotaxa 175: 281–286.

Garty, J. 2002. Biomonitoring heavy metal pollution with lichens. In: Kranner, I., Beckett, R. P., Varma, A. K. (eds), Protocols in Lichenology. Culturing, Biochemistry, Ecophysiology and Use in Biomonitoring, pp. 458–482. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Santesson, R. 1952. Foliicolous lichens I. A revision of the taxonomy of the obligately foliicolous, lichenized fungi. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 12: 1–590.

Silvestro, D. & Michalak, I. 2012. RaxmlGUI: a graphical front-end for RaxML. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 12: 335–337.

New species descriptions

Stellilabium latialatum Kolan., Medina Tr. & Lipińska, sp. nov. (Figs 1–2)
Diagnosis: Species similar to Ecuadorian S. morganiae but distinguished by its broad, spreading gynostemium wings.
Type: Colombia, Dept. Putumayo, Near San Francisco. 01°12ʹ00ʺN, 76°51ʹ41ʺW, 2448 m, 6 Sept. 2016., R. Medina T. S16/42 et al. (JAUM – holotype!; plant in alcohol).

Described species or new combinations

Spirographa fusisporella (Nyl.) Zahlbr. (Figs 25D, 26D–F, 27D)
≡ Graphis fusisporella Nyl., Flora (Regensburg) 49: 292. 1866. ≡ Graphinella fusisporella (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univers. 2: 285. 1923.
Type: Cuba. On trees in the Harallones M.V., coll. C. Wright 27, 14 Sept. (Nyl. 17) (M0086813 – lectotype! designated here, MBT 389635).
= Opegrapha spiralis Müll. Arg. Flora, Regensburg 63: 43. 1880. ≡ Spirographa spiralis (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univers. 2: 267. 1923, syn. nov.
Type: Brazil. Coll. J. I. Puiggari, s.n., 1879 (G00294262 – lectotype!, selected by Holien & Triebel 1996).
= ?Spirographa antillarum Vain., Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn., Ser. A 6(7): 164. 1915.

Emmanuelia americana (Vain.) Lücking, Moncada & Gum­boski, comb. nov. (Fig. 5A)
MycoBank MB 834644
Basionym: Lobaria americana Vain., Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 7(1): 195. 1890.
Type: Brazil, Minas Gerais: Serra do Caraca; 1400 m, 1885, Vainio 1187 (TUR-V10666 – lectotype!, here selected; MBT 391290; M-M0207349 – isolectotype!).


Specimens examined. UKRAINE. Kherson region, Oleshkivskiy district, near Burkuty village, 46°23ʹ38.6ʺN, 32°48ʹ35.7ʺE, 13 m, on Quercus robur, 18 Nov. 2016, A. Khodosovtsev & V. Darmostuk (KHER 10316); Sumy region, Seredyno-Budskiy district, Desniansko-Starogutskiy National Nature Park, Uborok, 52°15ʹ12.7ʺN, 33°35ʹ5.2ʺE, 130 m, on Q. robur, 5 Aug. 2016, A. Khodosovtsev & V. Darmostuk s.n. (KHER 10178). CHINA. Xizang. Cona Co. (disputed area), Rupa, 27.2°N, 92.4°E, 2130 m, damp places in climax pine-oak, 13 July 1938, F. Kingdon-Ward 13905 (BM, E).


(1) Stem armed throughout with numerous spine-like, simple or bifurcate, outgrowths 1–4 cells in height, arranged in longitudinal lines ....... C. spinicaulis
Stem without such spine-like outgrowths ....... 2
2(1) Stem armed with few and low, unicellular rounded outgrowths or short ridges ....... 3
Stem smooth ....... 4
3(2) Terminal branches, when present, Acromastigum-type, rarely Frullania-type. Dioecious ....... C. aspecaulis
Terminal branches, when present, Frullania-type. Autoecious, but often sterile or pseudodioecious ....... C. mamillifera


Number the tables with Arabic numerals. Tables should be self-explanatory, simple, and submitted in separate files. Each table should have a short caption. Additional information/explanations should be given below the table. Vertical lines should be avoided.


Illustrations may consist of high-quality drawings, diagrams and/or photographs, all numbered in a single sequence and cited consecutively in the text.

Plates should be a maximum 250 mm high and 165 mm wide (for double column) or 80 mm wide (for single column). Each photograph on the plate should be labeled with capital letters in the upper left corner (11 pt Arial bold, on white dot 4.5 mm in diam.), and scale bars (1 mm thick) should be placed in the bottom right corner. To separate photographs on a plate, use white lines 1.5 mm thick. In addition to the complete plate, submit each photograph used as a separate file (without letters or scale bars). Submit each figure separately in one of the following formats: 1) vector drawing (EPS, PDF), 2) color or grayscale photograph (JPG or TIFF, min. 300 dpi), 3) line drawing (TIFF, min. 1000 dpi), 4) combine art work (line/tone) (TIFF, min. 600 dpi), or 5) phylogenetic tree (PDF).

The color mode should be RGB. Do not use line weights that will be less than 0.2 pt (0.07 mm) at final size. When files are saving as TIFF format ensure that LZW compression is applied. Prepare the figures in the final size for publication, and clearly indicate which figures need to be published in color.

Book reviews

Publishers wishing to have a publication reviewed in Plant and Fungal Systematics should contact the Managing Editor (


Authors will receive a complimentary pdf file of the published paper.

Submission declaration

Submission of a manuscript through the Editorial System web implies that it is approved for publication by all authors, and that the paper has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Competing interests

Authors are required to disclose financial or non-financial interests that are directly or indirectly related to the work submitted for publication.


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Authors grant also W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences right to produce printed volumes of the journal for distribution to libraries and sale.

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