The Polylepis australis forests in Central Argentina support a great biodiversity in a relative small area. As a result of this study focusing on the diversity and ecology of the lichen communities of these forests, we present five new species for South America: Rinodina ficta, R. malcolmii, R. obscura, Usnea glabrata, Tetramelas triphragmioides and eight taxa new for Argentina: Calicium abietinum, Erioderma leylandii subsp. leylandii, Leptogium microstictum, Phaeophyscia endococcinodes, Rinodina dolichospora, R. intermedia, Usnea cirrosa and U. flavocardia. Unidentified Usnea species, similar to U. silesiaca, were also characterized and discussed.
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A monograph of the genus Polylepis (Rosaceae)
Espinoza Boza, Michael Kessler
New records of buellioid (Caliciaceae, Ascomycota) and Rinodina lichens (Physciaceae, Ascomycota) from the Caribbean and Ecuador
den van, John Elix
A Comprehensive Review on Ecological and Bio-Chemical Significance of Hypotrachyna Subg. Everniastrum
Suman Prakash Pradhan, Bishal Lamsal, Chitra Bahadur Baniya, Hirendra Bista, Bishnu Prasad Pandey, Subodh Sharma
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