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High Andean Steppes of Southern Chile Contain Little-Explored Peltigera Lichen Symbionts
Karla Veas-Mattheos, Katerin Almendras, Matías Pezoa, Cecilia Muster, Julieta Orlando
Journal of Fungi
Resolving the Sticta fuliginosa Morphodeme (Lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigeraceae) in Northwestern North America
Meglio Di, Trevor Goward
The Bryologist
High species richness in the lichen genus Peltigera (Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes): 34 species in the dolichorhizoid and scabrosoid clades of section Polydactylon, including 24 new to science
N. Magain, J. Miadlikowska, B. Goffinet, T. Goward, C.J. Pardo-De La Hoz, I. Jüriado, A. Simon, J.A. Mercado-Díaz, T. Barlow, B. Moncada, R. Lücking, A. Spielmann, L. Canez, L.S. Wang, P. Nelson, T. Wheeler, F. Lutzoni, E. Sérusiaux
Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi
Host specialization and spatial divergence of bacteria associated with Peltigera lichens promote landscape gamma diversity
Guillaume Schwob, Katerin Almendras, Karla Veas-Mattheos, Matías Pezoa, Julieta Orlando
Environmental Microbiome
Peltigera lichens as sources of uncharacterized cultured basidiomycete yeasts
Yosbany Pérez, Katerin Almendras, Ana M. Millanes, Nayla Serey, Andrey Yurkov, Natalia Lizana, Andrea Nesci, Aluminé Fessia, Julieta Orlando
IMA Fungus
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