We inventoried lichens in Kenai Fjords National Park in Alaska, USA We assembled the known information on occurrence and ecology of lichens in this park by combining field, herbarium, and literature studies. Our results provide baseline data on lichen occurrence that may be used in resource condition assessments, vulnerability assessments, long-term ecological monitoring, and resource management. We report a total of 616 taxa of lichenized fungi from the Park, plus an additional five subspecies and three varieties, all of which are new additions to the National Park Service database for this park unit. An additional five species of nonlichenized lichenicolous fungi are reported here. Eight non-lichenized fungi that are traditionally treated with lichens are also included, most of these associated with bark of particular host species. Four taxa new to North America are reported here (Arctomia delicatula var. acutior, Aspicilia dudinensis, Myriospora myochroa, and Ochrolechia bahusiensis), along with 44 species new to Alaska. Numerous species have been confirmed using ITS barcoding sequences. Also several records assigned to the genus level are reported, many of those are likely new species.
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Alpine lichen diversity in an isolated sky island in the Colorado Plateau, USA—Insight from an integrative biodiversity inventory
Steven Leavitt, Jason Hollinger, Sara Summerhays, Isaac Munger, Jonah Allen, Barb Smith
Ecology and Evolution
A revision of the Rostania occultata (Collemataceae) complex in Fennoscandia
Alica Košuthová, Martin Westberg, Mats Wedin
The Lichenologist
Multi-locus phylogeny of Bryoria reveals recent diversification and unexpected diversity in section Divaricatae
Leena Myllys, Raquel Pino-Bodas, Saara Velmala, Li-Song Wang, Trevor Goward
The Lichenologist
Discovering neglected lichen diversity with DNA-based inventories: metabarcoding lichen-forming fungi in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, USA
Abigail Robinson, Pierce Adams, Steven D. Leavitt
Plant and Fungal Systematics
Multilocus Molecular Phylogeny of the Umbilicaria aprina Group (Umbilicariaceae, Lichenized Ascomycota) Supports Species Level and Neo-Endemic Status of Umbilicaria krascheninnikovii
Evgeny A. Davydov, Dmitry E. Himelbrant, Ekaterina S. Kuznetsova, Irina S. Stepanchikova, Lidia S. Yakovchenko
Lecanora exspersa: A new lichen record for North America and a key to sorediate Lecanora (Lecanoraceae) in western North America
Jacob L. Watts, Seth J. Raynor, Yiyuan Li, Rachel Meier, Catherine Cook, Giorgio Casini, Essa Chadwick, Erin A. Manzitto-Tripp
The Bryologist
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