A study of green and charophytic algae diversity in two high-mountain lakes in the Eastern Carpathians (Ukraine) identified 99 species (109 taxa at species and intraspecific rank) in 35 genera from different ecotopes of the studied lakes. Algal species composition was characterized, and the ecological parameters of the lakes were determined from monitoring data recorded over the last century. Environmental analyses using bioindication methods based only on data on the composition of green and charophytic algae confirmed that the environmental inferences were accurate. Degradation of the Nesamovyte and Brebeneskul lake ecosystems, as compared with their earlier states, was noted.
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Chironomids (Insecta, Diptera, Chironomidae) from alpine lakes in the Eastern Carpathians with comments on newly-recorded species from Ukraine
Peter Bitušík, Milan Novikmec, Ladislav Hamerlik
Biodiversity Data Journal
Diversity of Algae and Cyanobacteria and Bioindication Characteristics of the Alpine Lake Nesamovyte (Eastern Carpathians, Ukraine) from 100 Years Ago to the Present
Petro Tsarenko, Olena Bilous, Olha Kryvosheia-Zakharova, Halyna Lilitska, Sophia Barinova
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