Pinus mugo shrubs on peat bogs in the Tatra National Park (TNP) were for the
first time described as a separated plant association by Obidowicz (1975) from only two
mires. Since then, there have been no studies on peat bogs in the TNP and they have not
been mentioned in the list of vegetation types of the Park. The research regarding the dwarf
pine shrubs on mires in the Tatra Mountains was carried out in 2019. We mapped all patches
of such vegetation (total – ~2 ha) on which we made 26 relevés. P. mugo shrubs on peat
bogs occur within the complex of mire habitats, such as Norway spruce bog woodlands,
raised bogs and poor fens. The shrub layer is dominated by Pinus mugo with admixture of
dwarfish Picea abies. Typical plants of the herb layer are Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea,
Eriophorum vaginatum and Oxycoccus palustris, whereas the most common mosses are
Sphagnum magellanicum, S. capillifolium, S. russowi, Pleurozium schreberi. P. mugo shrubs
on peat bogs in the TNP belong to the association Sphagno magellanici-Pinetum mugo.
This study was partly financed by the State Forest Fund of the
Polish State Forests granted to the Tatra National Park in 2019
and 2020.
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