Hawaiian lichen species have been thought to be widespread, with low endemism. Nine species of the genus Sticta (Peltigeraceae subfamily Lobarioideae) have previously been reported for Hawaii, all supposedly cosmopolitan or Pantropical or widespread in the Paleotropics except for the putative endemic S. plumbicolor. This study is the first one employing a molecular phylogenetic approach to Hawaiian Sticta, elucidating the relationships of these conspicuous and ecologically important macrolichens. We sequenced the ITS fungal barcoding locus and used a maximum likelihood approach to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships of Hawaiian Sticta from a large dataset of more than 200 species. Thirteen species were identified among Hawaiian Sticta, four more than previously recorded. Of these, seven are new to science and putatively endemic to Hawaii. Only four previously reported species were confirmed: S. fuliginosa, S. limbata, S. plumbicolor and S. tomentosa. Together with S. plumbicolor and S. scabrosa subsp. hawaiiensis (described elsewhere), putative endemism in Hawaiian Sticta is estimated at 69%. The 13 species correspond to nine or ten colonization events, predominantly from the Australasian realm. Thus, the evolutionary history of Sticta lichens in the Hawaiian archipelago is very different from what has been assumed, and matches that of other organisms in many aspects. The seven new species, all with cyanobacterial photobionts, are Sticta acyphellata, a small, stipitate Sticta with isidia and lacking cyphellae; S. antoniana, a mid-sized Sticta with abundant marginal lobules, apothecia, and a thick, grey-brown lower tomentum ending abruptly to leave a bare marginal zone; S. emmanueliana, a small, shortly stipitate Sticta forming small lobes with marginal isidia and black cilia; S. flynnii, a small, shortly stipitate Sticta with largely unbranched thallus with marginal isidia and a veined underside producing large, irregular cyphellae; S. hawaiiensis, a small Sticta with a suborbicular thallus with laminal isidia, conspicuous white cilia, and papillae on the membrane of the cyphellae; S. smithii, a small, stipitate Sticta with marginal, flattened isidia and small cyphellae; and S. waikamoi, a small to mid-sized Sticta with a much-branched thallus with slightly canaliculate lobes and marginal, dark isidia, and a thick, dark brown lower tomentum with strongly contrasting whitish cyphellae.
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A taxonomic reassessment of the genus Sticta (lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigeraceae) in the Hawaiian archipelago
Bibiana Moncada, Clifford Smith, Robert Lücking
The Lichenologist
Two new common, previously unrecognized species in the Sticta weigelii morphodeme (Ascomycota: Peltigeraceae)
Bibiana Moncada, Joel Mercado-Díaz, Clifford Smith, Frank Bungartz, Emmanuël Sérusiaux, H. Lumbsch, Robert Lücking
Unambiguous identification of fungi: where do we stand and how accurate and precise is fungal DNA barcoding?
Robert Lücking, M. Aime, Barbara Robbertse, Andrew Miller, Hiran Ariyawansa, Takayuki Aoki, Gianluigi Cardinali, Pedro Crous, Irina Druzhinina, David Geiser, David Hawksworth, Kevin Hyde, Laszlo Irinyi, Rajesh Jeewon, Peter Johnston, Paul Kirk, Elaine Malosso, Tom May, Wieland Meyer, Maarja Öpik, Vincent Robert, Marc Stadler, Marco Thines, Duong Vu, Andrey Yurkov, Ning Zhang, Conrad Schoch
IMA Fungus
Elucidating species richness in lichen fungi: The genusSticta(Ascomycota: Peltigeraceae) in Puerto Rico
Joel Mercado‐Díaz, Robert Lücking, Bibiana Moncada, Todd Widhelm, H. Lumbsch
Species in lichen-forming fungi: balancing between conceptual and practical considerations, and between phenotype and phylogenomics
Robert Lücking, Steven Leavitt, David Hawksworth
Fungal Diversity
Two new species of Sticta (Peltigeraceae subfam. Lobarioideae) from the Brazilian Cerrado (Brazilian savanna)
Jean-Marc Torres, Thiago Barbosa, Marcos Kitaura, Adriano Spielmann, Aline Lorenz
The Bryologist
Phylogenetic Studies and Metabolite Analysis of Sticta Species from Colombia and Chile by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution-Q-Orbitrap-Mass Spectrometry
Laura Albornoz, Alfredo Torres-Benítez, Miguel Moreno-Palacios, Mario Simirgiotis, Saúl Montoya-Serrano, Beatriz Sepulveda, Elena Stashenko, Olimpo García-Beltrán, Carlos Areche
New species of Sticta (lichenised Ascomycota, lobarioid Peltigeraceae) from Bolivia suggest a high level of endemism in the Central Andes
Emilia Ossowska, Bibiana Moncada, Martin Kukwa, Adam Flakus, Pamela Rodriguez-Flakus, Sandra Olszewska, Robert Lücking
Two taxa of the genus Sticta (Peltigerales, Ascomycota), S. andina and S. scabrosa subsp. scabrosa, new to Bolivia confirmed by molecular data
Emilia Ossowska, Magdalena Kosecka, Julia Jaskólska, Martin Kukwa
Plant and Fungal Systematics
The Lichen Genus Sticta (Lobariaceae, Peltigerales) in East African Montane Ecosystems
Ulla Kaasalainen, Paul Kirika, Neduvoto Mollel, Andreas Hemp, Jouko Rikkinen
Journal of Fungi
Two new species of Astrothelium from Sud Yungas in Bolivia and the first discovery of vegetative propagules in the family Trypetheliaceae (lichen-forming Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota)
Martin Kukwa, Pamela Rodriguez-Flakus, André Aptroot, Adam Flakus
Species assemblages of insular Caribbean Sticta (lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigerales) over ecological and evolutionary time scales
Joel Mercado-Díaz, Robert Lücking, Bibiana Moncada, E. St., Cesar Delnatte, Lemuel Familia, Banessa Falcón-Hidalgo, Angel Motito-Marín, Yoira Rivera-Queralta, Todd Widhelm, Lumbsch Thorsten
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Additional new species and new records of the genus Sticta (lichenised Ascomycota, lobarioid Peltigeraceae) from Bolivia
Emilia Anna Ossowska, Bibiana Moncada, Robert Lücking, Adam Flakus, Pamela Rodriguez-Flakus, Sandra Olszewska, Martin Kukwa
First records of Sticta arenosella and S. cellulosa from South America based on molecular and morphological data
Emilia Anna Ossowska, Ulf Schiefelbein, Martin Kukwa
Plant and Fungal Systematics
Stochastic versus deterministic assembly of oceanic island biota: leaf-dwelling lichens on the Galápagos and on Cocos Island
Robert Lücking, Bibiana Moncada, Frank Bungartz
Frontiers of Biogeography
The contribution of tropical long-term studies to mycology
Jeffery K. Stallman, Danny Haelewaters, Rachel A. Koch Bach, Mia Brann, Samira Fatemi, Paula Gomez-Zapata, Dillon R. Husbands, Blaise Jumbam, Patricia J. Kaishian, Ariana Moffitt, M. Catherine Aime
IMA Fungus
Sticta puebloensis (Lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigeraceae) a New species of Sticta from the American Southwest
Joseph R. Di Meglio, Jack C. Niedbala, Elisa B. Di Meglio
Plant and Fungal Systematics
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